Leech Pack


  • Roche Lake Special (3 Per Pack)
  • Brian’s Blood Leech (3 Per Pack)
  • Magic Brown Leech (3 Per Pack)
  • Brian’s Icebreaker Leech (3 Per Pack)

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Roche Lake Special
The name says it all! This fly was developed for the Rainbows at Roche Lake, BC and has been effective in many other BC lakes. This fly is best fished in shallower water with a clear intermediate sinking line or hanging off an indicator in deeper water.

Brian’s Blood Leech
One of Brian Chan’s favourite leeches is this blood leech. Most lakes contain these blood red leeches and are a staple trout diet from ice-off through to ice over. Can be fished on an indicator or a full sink line using a slower, erratic retrieve

Brian’s Magic Brown Leech
Brian’s Magic Brown Leech was designed for the finicky fish of Sheridan Lake, BC. The pattern works extremely well when fish are spooky and want a subtle, non-flashy leech pattern.

Brian’s Icebreaker Leech
Early into the fishing season, Brian Chan noticed many more lighter coloured leeches present in our local lakes, so he developed the ice breaker leech. We have found this pattern is effective throughout the year but most effective in lakes that contain lighter coloured leeches. Can be fished on an indicator or a full sink line using a slower, erratic retrieve.



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